The Mobile Application Designers (MAD) Club

About once a month, we invite a guest speaker to share his or her experience with us.

Software Development for Windows Phone 7

Who: Christian Beauclair, Senior Developer Advisor, Microsoft Canada.

When: Tuesday, November 16th, 2010, 2:30 - 4:00 pm.

Where: STE 0131

"In this session you will get exposed to the tools and the simplicity associated in writing apps for the new Windows Phone 7 platform and also get to see the Marketplace process which is free for students. You’ll get a quick peek at writing Silverlight apps and XNA games and some of the guidelines associated with this new platform."

In order to better organize the event, we ask you to send us an email if you are planning on attending the event. Thanks!

Guy Michaud, CIO of the city of Ottawa

When: Tuesday, October 5th, 2010, 4:00 pm.

Where: STE 0131

This is with great pleasure that we will meet with Mr Guy Michaud, CIO of the city. Mr. Michaud will talk to us about the open data initiative at city hall, and will unveil for us the newly introduced city-wide app contest wich will take place in the fall. We hope that many club members will be interested in the contest and will submit their own apps!

In order to better organize the event, we ask you to send us an email if you are planning on attending the event. Thanks!

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